Ceramic Tile liners - The Basics

Ceramic tile material is rigid and relatively brittle, so that a stable base is the most important part of the installation of this type of tile. If you are not cracked tiles, loose tiles, loose mortar or want to see, you must select the proper subfloor. Underlayment to be what the construction industry and the layer that goes between the wood subfloor and your tiles calls.

You have several alternative methods of strong subfloor for ceramic tile installation.

Plywood onlya single layer of plywood is not rigid enough to stop floor deflection. There must be an additional layer of exterior plywood covered will reach a total thickness of at least 1 1 / 8 inch. You can either (A) - Cover the plywood with a cement backer board (more on that below), or (b) relates to the existing plywood with a second layer of exterior plywood. Applied under these two, a thin-set mortar is to eliminate the air gaps. Moreover, in the bathrooms, it is recommendedthe creation of a "shower pan" over your wood subfloor. This refers to thin rubberized materials that protect the tiles from the floor to expansion and contraction due to moisture, temperature and humidity.

Cement Backer Board - They are used prefabricated, lightweight concrete sheets to cover wood subfloors too. It has a dense Portland concrete core and fiberglass surfaces both sides and is able to withstand prolonged exposure to moisture. Brands include Durock, UTILICRETE,WONDER BOARD and GLASCRETE. Joints of the backer board sheets should be staggered so that they do not fall directly over the wood subfloor joints.

Mortar Bed-Mud beds, beds, or mortar, bricks are used by professional contractors generally. They are made of a layer of thick roofing felt, together, then followed by wire mesh, through a layer of mortar. The reason is mainly used by the specialists that it needs a high degree of skill and practice to ensure the mortar bed produces a sufficiently flatSurface. The other reason is that it is the best foundation for a possible ceramic tiles. Okay, but why? Because the mortar bed has a built-in reinforcement against floor deflections of the shape of the wire mesh. Translation less cracked tiles and loose grout and more food soils.

Concrete Slab --
You can lay your ceramic tile directly on concrete slab, but all cracks and holes in front, before the installation of a tile to be renovatedwhen connected directly to the concrete. Some concrete panel has been set to connect to the curing of the plate coated with no cracks assistance. This link should be removed before tile installation to ensure a lasting mortar bond, since the substance of the concrete retain moisture and in some cases affects adhesiveness helps. It is also important that the plate as level as possible, especially with the larger tile sizes in use today. Cleaning of concretefull of dirt and dust will also contribute to a higher quality of installation. In short, the surface preparation is the key.

Another option is to take the tile over existing flooring. There are a few things. If your existing hard floor, flat and in good shape? Is it on tight enough to make the ground below IT support available? Well. Is the existing floor linoleum or vinyl? Not so good. You need to strip them out or a good place on the floorit. (And watch out for vinyl flooring may contain asbestos fibers. They do not want to this stuff out yourself stripes. Instead, either cover it with some plywood subfloor, or remove a contractor. If you are unsure if your floor was asbestos, call in a trained asbestos inspector.) If you can make a ceramic tile on the floor is newer tile and lay on him as long as the surface is flat and not too smooth. You may have to sand the surface must be your bonda better chance.

To conclude, a little planning and thought a long way in your tile installation project a permanent addition to your home, so take the time before you go in with "Go, both of firepower."

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