The Perfect Paint Job Requires Perfect Planning

You may have heard that the bulk of a paint job, is not in the painting itself, but in the preparation to paint. While this is the case, it's important to note that a solid preparation before painting will also increase your chances of a more successful and professional looking paint job. So, do not overlook the important steps involved in painting preparation. Well thought out preparation will make the job hassle-free and look as good as possible.

The task of painting should be broken down into simpler steps.

- Take down removable fixtures any wall hanging and nails/ screws holding them up.

- Remove phone switch and electrical covers

- To prevent dangerous accidents it's not a bad idea to shut off breakers in the room you're painting

- Remove the furniture from the room, or alternately push them all towards the center of the room and then cover them with a plastic covering.

- Clean walls with a sponge and a cleansing solution. Although TSP is often recommended, vinegar and water works fine on most walls. Rinse the sponge frequently and ensure that walls are completely dry before painting.

- For sharp and clean results apply good quality painter's tape on trim, windows, baseboards and door frames. Likewise use top quality brushes to help make the "cutting in" process as easy and clean as possible.

- Protect your floors by applying a pre-taped drop cloth, carpet masking tape or tarp against the baseboards.

- Make sure you're using the right kind of paint. Some walls will require oil based paints ( if you're painting walls that are already painted with an oil base). Also if the walls are stained, you might consider first applying a stain blocking primer.

- Follow the directions from the paint manufacturer in terms of application and drying times in between coats. Some special coats may require even more than two coats to bring forth the depth of color and luster you're looking for

- Patch or repair any holes or flaws in your walls with a spackling compound. Let dry for the appropriate amount of time and sand down to a smooth finish using sandpaper, or a damp cloth can work as well.

Be as thorough as you prep your paint site, and the painting will be fast, easy and look as if you hired a professional.

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