Concrete Molds - What Are They?

Concrete molds have always been popular for working with concrete. They can be made of a number of different types of materials. A couple of factors determine which one is most suitable for the job you want to do. These include the area that you'll be working with, the size of the job, and what type of look you're after.

Latex molds are very popular because they're so easy to use. As soon as it comes out of the container, it's ready to go. This is its main advantage. There is basically little or no preparation required, so you can focus your time and effort on getting the design right. One problem with latex molds, however, is that they do sometimes shrink a little in size. Making a latex mold can also take a fair bit of time. It also takes a long time to dry, which usually means that you can't usually make use of the mold on the same day you make it, which can be a nuisance.

Another very popular material for concrete molds is polysulfide rubber. This is a two component material that's been a favorite in the industry for a long time. One of the big advantages of this material is that it lasts a long time. It's also quite stretchable, which makes it easy to form the mold exactly the way you want it. However, be warned - the big downside of working with polysulfide rubber is that it smells rather offensive. It might be a good idea to practice holding your breath before using it for a concrete mold!

These are certainly the two most popular materials for making concrete molds, but there are others. If you want to find out more about how to make a concrete mold, check out your local hardware store or spend some time searching the Internet. There's lots of books and article available to help you learn how to make a mold that will be just right for your needs.

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