Painting Wood Flooring in 5 Simple Steps

If your hardwood flooring is covered in stains and scratches then you may decide to paint over it rather that rip them up or cover them with carpet. If your wood floor is in perfect condition think very carefully as to whether you really want to paint over them because if you change your mind it will require a lot of hard work to sand them down.

5 Steps to Painting Your Wooden Flooring

1# Sand and Clean

Your floors need to be well sanded to remove previous coats of varnish or urethane. Also give the floors a good clean to remove dirt, dust, hairs etc as you don't want it getting into your paint.

2# Repair Your Floor

To make your floors look their best, fill in any gaps between the boards, fill in any holes with wood filler and also make sure to remove nails that may be sticking up.

3# Priming Sealer

Use a roller or paint brush to apply a primer to the wood. If you are painting your floors a dark color then you may want to use a tinted primer.

4# Paint the Wood

You must make sure that the primer is totally dry before you even think about applying any coats of oil-based paint. You will also need to let each layer of paint dry before applying the next layer.

5# Polyurethane

Now that you have applied two coats of paint you then need to apply at least three coats of polyurethane to make sure that your floorboards keep in good condition.

Back in the 17th century the Upper classes installed decorative parquet flooring however this was very expensive for most people so painting their floors became the next best thing. When painting your floors you don't need to limit yourself to just one colour. You may want to look into designs such as squares or use a stencil to create a decorative border.

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