New applications for diamond drilling in the construction industry

Traditionally, diamond drilling has been used in the construction industry to form holes of various sizes and openings in concrete and masonry structures.

The process is regarded as an accurate and cost-effective alternative to techniques such as bursting coarser, often reinstatement after all openings are formed. The diamond drilling of small holes, allowing 6 mm in diameter, anchor bolts and dowel bars are connected to structures. Larger holes, upto 1200 mm in diameter to provide voids to allow the inclusion of utility lines and frames into temporary support structures.

Diamond drilling techniques and equipment are now used for more demanding tasks within the construction industry. Often these unconventional applications are to be borne out particularly difficult places where no alternative facilities or techniques available.

A good example is the use of continuous drilling through soil and clay and concreteand to form channels brick tunnel. This technique is traditionally used to drill through concrete and masonry, with the dismantling barrel continuously expanded, as it ensure exercises in order not to collapse the hole. When you are finished, a solid plastic tube is inserted along the length of the barrel before the removal.

In a recent case study, the contractor had to establish two pipelines tunnel under the foundations of a house to. A current expansion is meant the initial respirationHoles, which naturally ventilated underground rooms in the property was covered follow rising damp.

Two, 7 meters long, holes were drilled 1 meter below the ground from the sub-floor area under the concrete slab of the new extension to the opening to the outside. An important innovation in this process was gutted, the disposal of waste. This is done traditionally in the form of massive concrete pipes, but bored with the mining run through the world,the floor waste that has already been sucked through the barrel with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

The success of these shows that diamond drilling can be in the hands of the specialists diamond drilling companies a flexible and cost effective solution for unusual problems in the construction industry.

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