Green Painting - Environmentally Friendly Painting Tips

Use to take additional measures to ensure the safety of your painting project is an environmentally friendly experience. The best quality acrylic paints are products) that contain little or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs otherwise known. These products reduce the emissions of volatile organic compounds into the home, improving indoor air quality and reduce urban smog. Check the labels on the cans for the LEED certification to ensure you are using a low VOC product. LEED-certified products as "green" or"environmentally friendly."

Below you will find tips for "green" painting:

Use all the colors.

If possible, use every ounce of color that you buy. The additional layer with walls offer more protection. Or ask a friend, family member or neighbor if they could paint a little more for a small project to use.

Seal it tightly.

Unused paint should be stored in tightly sealed cans and put his head in order to maintain the seal. Dopour leftover paint down the drain.

Dispose of the paint properly.

When disposing of paint, converts it into a solid waste then dispose of it with your regular garbage. To convert it to a solid waste, remove the lid to evaporate the water or solvent. Do this in an area where children can not manipulate it.

Wait for it on cleaning tools.

For projects that try to take more than a day, wrapping their tools in aPlastic bags for reuse instead of cleaning them at the end of each day. The tools last night, or even a few days where the sun will be kept away.

Scrape the paint.

Upon completion of the project, scrape excess paint from the can, latex rollers and brushes with a stir stick or wall scraper. This is before washing so that it easier to clean and preserve the environment. When washing, you must do so in a sink or drain like this, it isbe treated, instead of landing in the ground and in our drinking water.

Use high-quality water-acrylic latex paints.

Pure acrylic latex paints are environmentally friendly because they contain small solvent. If you are a color solvent based, water based on an old, you must follow the instructions for the preparation of the surface, relates in general a good cleaning and a light sanding.

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