A couple of garage floor coating

There are many ways to choose flooring from you if you decide to choose your garage.

Not only garage floor paint will give you some nice color, but will also give a great final. It will also protect the soil from chemical damage such as blemishes, and keep the garage floor looks great while doing it. There are many brands to choose from, so we only look at a few, have an idea of whatis out there.

coating of Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield

Available in beige and brown-oleum garage floor coating EpoxyShield Rust is a popular choice. The lack of color options may discourage some, especially since many people are looking primarily to add color to the garage floor. If Brown can work for you, though, or you are not interested simply, this may be the right choice for you. As a nice extra touch, the kit also comes with a DVD with installation instructions. Like mostgarage floor coating product is resistant to stains and water. The reviews are awesome, and that tells you how easy it is to be installed.

With epoxy coating Weather Beater

epoxy Weather Beater promises similar results to the Rust-Oleum, but does not have the DVD with instructions. It is also rated as good, but the soil contains optional decorative vases to highlight the garage. It 's interesting to note that the poor could lookStem from the installation problems caused by the lack of DVD. This may or may not apply to you, depending on your experience, and manageability. Salt, oil and gasoline are all resistant to the lists of things to say Weather Beater against its cover.


What can you paint the garage floor and more popular, perhaps because it is in 40 colors, has QUIKRETE bit 'of time. As with the whip Weather, this kit also comes with the colorFlakes, if you want to stick to your accent garage. Their argument is that it is full of the toughest garage floor available, and that the concrete is only half as strong. The price is higher than the others, but, unfortunately, are rare. However, no news is good news, as is often the review of the product, because it is successful then failed.

Paint is probably the most difficult type of coverage for the installation, but it is also the cheapest andis the most stable. Do-it-yourself I'm sure that with this option because they are going to treat a single car garage for less than $ 75. If you consider how much money will not be spending much to repair the concrete later, this is great.

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