Concrete Adhesive

Cement concrete permanent adhesive bond new concrete to the elderly. It can be used and / or the inner or outer parts equalizer used in the ground. The external quality permanently bonds the material to be stronger than the material is bound. To use the outer class, there is no need to chip, or in any way the old rough surface to which they are linked. It chemically bonds to the new concrete, concrete block,Concrete floor, concrete pipes>, sidewalks and more.

concrete adhesive to clean all the free surfaces, dust, oil, mildew, grease, wax and other substances that may be present. You can mix apply to any clean surface, roller or brush when the glue is dry as the application of new concrete. Before applying the adhesive to ensure that the fund is dry. When you are finished with this part of the job you should wash all your toolsand other equipment with hot water and hot water that can clean any wax.

To use as an adhesive cement floor level, you need to clean the debris of cement completely from it all fats, waxes, and others use, free and kept on concrete measures to carry out repairs of unhealthy. Abrasives such as sand or sand-blasting techniques. The glue with a brush, roller or garden. Not the resurfacinguntil the glue is dry when touched. If it is dry, you can then add a second layer of adhesive. The estimated drying time is about 2-3 hours, but this varies depending on temperature and climate. If the concrete surface, the adhesive has been coated with dry can be used as a condiment. If the job is done right, there is no maintenance and the area is resurfaced is good for a long period of time. As with any value of patience and workelbow grease needed to get it right.


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