How to choose the right garage floor coating

E 'painted garage floor and garage floor high-epoxides. Despite what it says on the label garage floor paint will not last. E 'chip from the ground and dissolves quickly in hot tires for your car. If you select years, however, the right product and the application for you can be takes producing a high quality garage floor, keeping your bright and clean.

Surface preparation

The numberone of the causes of failure of a coating is not properly profiled concrete surface. Concrete Profiling is the process of roughing up the surface, such as 80-120 grit sandpaper. This process is called "etching of cement." This is the most important step of paint or coating. Etching provides a larger surface coating for the garage floor to remain in order to reduce significantly the chances that the coating flake or chip. There are fourOptions for profiling your floor.

1. Etching concrete with acid gel - acid gels are the most effective way for the surface profile of a concrete result consistently. She is safe, easy to operate and provide. Gel ink roller rolled on the ground with just minutes left 15 and rinse. The result is equivalent to 100 grit. Removes tie breaker at the same time increase the surface coating.

2. Etching concrete with liquidAcid - acid liquids have been used for years for specific profile. However, they are very diluted, producing inconsistent results invalid. The two errors with concrete using an acid etching liquid that is diluted in the tiny air holes in the concrete. The application of epoxy floor or wakes, and the weak acid particles caused a rapid deterioration of the finish.

3. Professional-engine uses a coating applicatorsTool called shotblaster visible on the surface. This is a walk behind instrument that fires thousands of tiny ball bearings on the concrete surface. The result is similar to that of acid etching. Ball bearings are easily accessible from the surface with a broom clean magnetized on wheels.

4th floor sanding, this is a walk behind mower with a car as heavy slabs of diamond, floor polish the top layer of concrete garages. cement dust iscleaned when sanded with a powder with a high vacuum. This is the best way to prepare the surface application of polyaspartic coatings, but not the best choice when applying paint or epoxy.

Choose a garage floor coating

Contractors love the garage floor coatings available in hardware stores, because they delaminate and chip. The contractors are committed to continuously remove these coatings failed and renewed high-power 70 to 100%Solid epoxy. However, there is an industry that has been created, where in the line of high-quality epoxy available, apply or apply your contractual partner.

When searching for an epoxy coating, the best choice is a 100% solids coating is dry rolled for your floor and has been adequately profiled. These high performance coatings are two components that are mixed together with a drill and mixing paddle. dry quickly, so when mixedIt 'important to move quickly. Pour into a tray and paint roller on the surface. They come in many colors and can be decorated on the surface with the addition of colored vinyl chips.

A final layer is added with a urethane that is rolled on the surface. The process takes three days, but very little time for each phase.

First day of floor preparation, concrete burn. (1-2 hours)
Second day with glue and paint chips. (1-2 hours)
Third day Apply Top Coat(1 hour)


A paint for concrete floors is cheap at the expense of walking about 50 cents per square meter. Expect to pay $ 1.00 to 2.00 dollars per square foot for a high performance industrial coating.

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