How to Paint a Concrete Floor the Easy Way

How to paint a concrete floor is a question many do-it-yourself homeowners frequently ask. By painting a concrete floor, you protect it from normal wear and tear. You also add some color to concrete, which is usually cold and dreary looking.

Preparation is paramount. The proper preparation and the right tools are necessary. Although homeowners want to make an improvement to the floor, they aren't quite sure what to do with the concrete mass. When deciding on how to paint the floor, keep in mind that it is somewhat of a long process.

Before tackling the question certain measures must be taken. First, you have to make sure the room has proper ventilation to prevent irritation to your eyes and nasal passageways. Next, you have to prepare the surface by cleaning it and, if necessary, using a de-greaser to remove tough stains. If there are any holes or cracks in the floor, they need to be filled.

Although how to paint a concrete floor seems like an easy question to answer, there is much more to the task than just painting the floor. As a result, the answer is not as easy as one might think. For example, the concrete floor has to be checked for curing compounds that would prevent the paint from adhering to the surface. In addition, moisture in the concrete has to be removed before proceeding with painting. Finally, the texture of the concrete should feel like medium sand paper. If it feels harder, the paint will not adhere well and acid etching must be done.

First, some basics. For starters, buy enough paint to cover the surface with several coats. A primer and sealer are also needed. Before painting, be sure to stir the paint well. A roller, rather than a brush, is the best application to paint a concrete floor. A roller goes much faster and is much more comfortable for your back. However, a brush will be needed to do the edges and any areas around poles, vents, or other objects embedded in the floor. It's best to paint these areas first.

How to paint a concrete floor involves choosing the right paint. Epoxy-based paints are best, but if you want to protect the concrete floor from chemical spills, such as those used in a garage, you might want to consider glossy finishing. Next, decide on a color that complements the walls in the room and its style.

Before starting, you want to know techniques so it comes out looking great. First, it's best to work in four foot sections so you don't paint yourself into a corner. Use long, smooth strokes. Be sure the primer is well dried before applying the paint color. Likewise, be sure the paint is completely dry before applying the sealer.

When homeowners think about how to paint the concrete floor in the basement, garage, or other area in their home, they understand it takes time, but adds to their investment. Once you've painted the floor, you might want to protect it with mats or area rugs, especially in areas where stains and leaks commonly occur. Painting a concrete floor is an inexpensive way to upgrade your flooring and improve its appearance so it better fits with your room décor.

Sue Krippner is a Free Lance Artist, Home Staging and Redesign Professional. For more detailed information pertaining to decorative concrete overlays visit

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