Semi-Automatic Filmmaking

visit for more info The goal of Semi-Automatic Filmmaking (SAF) is to help level the playing field between films made in huge studios and those made by small independent artists. SAF will achieve this goal by developing open-source software (and maybe hardware) tools that partially automate difficult and tedious aspects of the filmmaking process such as organization and rote structuring. As a proof-of-concept for this idea, for my Master's Thesis at Georgia Tech, I developed the free Android app, Documatic, to help automate portions of the documentary creation process (Download here: ) I think that really powerful tools can be developed from this simple idea and so I am releasing all the code as open for development on GitHub ( I am trying to drum up support to develop more opensource tools for small independent filmmakers. If you are inspired to join the team to help with the development, please go to the main website:

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