Stained concrete floor

Stained concrete floor is a do-it-yourself project simple, concrete floors enhance the look unattractive, smooth. acid stain reacts with the cement, rather than their opinion on what a lasting impact as color.

While most of the colors of concrete stain is brown and earthy, they can also be mixed to create unique colors. After a piece of concrete evidence available to you is to experiment with colorsand effects without blocking parts of the floor. A cut diamond saw can be used to cut patterns and designs on the ground inside This method can be used for coloring paint color for the production of multiple limits.

Each color of the stains remain after concrete. Before starting, remove stains in every way possible. hardened concrete floor sealed or can not be stained. Even when you wash the floor prior to staining, acid neverDetergent. This adversely react with the acid dye.

Be sure you always have the right protective equipment when working with acid stain. Leave no exposed skin. This includes wearing a mask and wears glasses. Remember to keep in mind the room well ventilated, as the acid stains produce noxious fumes when wet.

Make sure the soil is completely dry after washing. This is best done waiting to happen overnight. Do not forget to apply a uniform layer on the ground the whole. Most professionalsprefer to use a syringe to apply the stain. This is not mandatory, but recommended. The spots more you use, the richer the final color. You can also create a sealing of floor coverings to add a glossy effect of colored cement. Once again, first you should try going to guarantee results.

Stained concrete flooring is an inexpensive way to protect the soil and beautify your concrete at the same time. With these tips you can rotateYour gray concrete floor in a striking feature that you can be proud of.

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