Water vapor in concrete for protection against hydrostatic pressure & Green concrete problems

Throughout my career as a floor covering installation, I have a meeting and countless other wood or vinyl flooring claims were rejected by a field. After careful investigation has more than 80% of these plans have failed or wet cement or hydro-static pressure. To my surprise, most of these lands has never been tested humidity, (a very quick and simple test). I have often heard customers say: "It will be right mate> Concrete 's been for weeks. "

To meet the standard of Australian plants concrete pavement must have a reading of 5.5% moisture content not more. As a general rule, dry concrete about 20-25mm per month.

Taking into account these figures, then an average of 100 mm thick sheet of 4-5 months to dry before it comply with Australian standards. If this drying process, the cement isexposed to rain or water again, this will further increase the drying time. Concrete is like a sponge and will continue to exist when water on. These times may vary depending on the context, etc. And 'generally a myth that concrete dries faster in warmer climates. In warmer climates, is usually found that the relative humidity is much higher, which means that there is a lot more moisture in the air, which slows the drying time even further.

The other concern aboutInstallers hydrostatic pressure. Hydro-static pressure comes from below the concrete and move through the capillary voids in the matrix of concrete. been installed in the ground once, not to draw moisture into the concrete surface and will respond if no way out, and break adhesive etc. 's hydro-static pressure may be a lack of plastic under concrete or something like a hiddenSpring run the underground water is forced through the concrete. Water has two goals in their lives, only to sink into the atmosphere and evaporates back into the file. Floors, as joints generally do not suffer from this problem because they can by air, but vinyl and wood are very vulnerable to hydro-static pressure. The glue is broken under the vinyl and wood floors will cup.

The most effective way to addressthese two problems is to use a vapor barrier. Most people do this because of the cost. I can not understand this thought into account the cost of deposition in the first place, and a few dollars more for them to ensure that the ground track are still in touch for many years.

vapor barriers have come a long way in recent years and have been very profitable. Gone are the days of 2 Part epoxy membranes require3-4Days for installation and a smooth topping on their surfaces. This is a very costly affair, which can blow the cost of $ 50 - $ 60 per m2. Meanwhile, there are barriers that moisture directly on the shotcrete and penetrate deep into the matrix forms a barrier inside. These products are much less expensive and time savings over older methods. One particular product I used is specially designed for industrial applications and floor coverings, whetherShotcrete at the date of this healing is to make a perfect block excess moisture and allows to determine the time of floor coverings as barriers within the 14 days versus 28 days with a typical content. It is very affordable alternative and can be installed for $ 12 - $ 15 m2, saves time and money.
This product can be sprayed land 200m2, in a matter of hours (a) and has virtually no downtime for other trades. The other great thingThis product is that you are working in other trades almost immediately after installation without compromising the product. The old system of epoxy membranes had to be well protected, to a hole in the barrier unusable.

This particular product is a colloidal silicate and sodium should not be confused with a much cheaper and less silicate.

This moisture barrier can be installed directly without the need for level controlCompound and charges no known problems with the responsibility of one of the leading brands of glue, polyurethane or self.

colloidal silica remain in the concrete business for the life of concrete and this is a guarantee against any particular hydrostatic pressure 20yrs.

Finally, I would recommend a moisture barrier under any floor covering, it is still a problem or not. These products are very affordable and will give you restthat there are no moisture problems is the title.

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