Because the number of calculation units in concrete

Aggregates in concrete are different materials mixed with cement and water is then added to the dough to make consistent paste.This called concrete without reinforcement. Concrete is what is used for items suspended floors lintels, foundations of foundations, ground floor, beams, many columns and structural elements. The materials used are cement, concrete, sand as ballast in the fine and coarse aggregaterespectively.

If a developer does not raise any specific work processes following aggregates are calculated. A lot tons of cement, concrete, on average, about ten meters long at a depth of six inches thick and eighteen inches wide. A rich mix of a 2-4 requires more cement than 2:59 is a mixture of six. Therefore, a foundation of three hundred meters in width and thickness as above would take about thirty Pockets.

Number of coarse aggregate is required to become as volume of concrete in order to calculate the amount of weight to throw about the volume and this amount is equivalent to coarse aggregates. The weight must be multiplied by the known volume of cement required to obtain a fifth tonnage. Calculate volume in cubic meters. Concrete needs five to seven cubic meters per cubic meter and a half. This is used and also the size of the ballast to the use of> Concrete.

To calculate the amount of aggregate, sand, its important to know its characteristics. Sand in bulk when wet and shrinks when dry. Since the volume of sand to cement equal to eighty percent of the average volume needed to, it means that due to shrinkage of fillers or add twenty percent to the same volume of concrete as a building owner to use. Fixed unit dosage pit to measure and monitor mix concrete agreed that the rightmix.

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