Bamboo flooring - a unique treatment for your floors

Homeowners, an exotic appearance of their homes will usually for new kinds of flooring and bamboo is one material that is relatively new to the market and hold its own in comparison with some traditional floor coverings.

Bamboo flooring can not be compared with sturdy hardwood and is best compared with black walnut and maple. However, bamboo is praised by environmentalists as a "green" material because it is a renewable resource. As a kind of grass, itgrows very fast - it takes only about three years before they can be harvested.

It can grow to heights of 60 meters and it is said that if the grasses, which are not degraded in 5 years, the bamboo trees fall on their own. It is therefore perfectly reduced for use in house construction as the consumption demand for rainforest hardwood, each time when someone decides for bamboo flooring.

On the other hand, oaks and other deciduous trees take hundreds of years to mature. Thus, even though he is a littlesoft in comparison to conventional materials can not meet its regenerative properties are excluded.

It is also easy to bamboo flooring care. To clean it, with a dry mop, a broom or a non-abrasive brush attachment for vacuum cleaners. To stubborn stains with a damp mop can be used cleanly. Protecting a bamboo floor to avoid with pads for your furniture legs and on her spiked heels.

One advantage of using bamboo flooring is that it is dent-resistant. There is no agreement aslots of wood and is extremely resistant to mildew. Another reason is that there is much less toxic than carpets. A bamboo flooring manufacturer's products have been tested with less than 0.00563 mg VOC per square meter per hour, while register carpets around 0.5 milligrams.

People think of bamboo flooring as an uneven surface of bamboo Part rounded, available with a solitary color - that is, the natural light honey color. Today, thanks to technological progress bamboo canprocessed into smooth, coated strips, tiles or planks.

Bamboo flooring is now also available in darker shades such as "tea" or "Green Tea" by charring. This is a process of heating the bamboo, the consumers a wider choice of colors to choose from. However, the more heated bamboo, the softer it is - so keep in mind that when selecting colors for your bamboo floor.

This type of material can be installed in a number of ways, one of which nailing or gluingit down, as one is a traditional floor. The other way to the bamboo floats and fit into place.

Homeowners in the U.S. is still difficult to source bamboo flooring [], but. This grass is rich in China and other countries in the Pacific and may be significantly higher costs if they are exported to the U.S.

If you have enough forunate to SourceMaterials for your bamboo flooring, you will be rewarded with a higher resale value for your home, because with proper care, bamboo is more beautiful with time - it developed into a picturesque patina that can only be achieved with years of experience.

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