Preparing a concrete floor for painting

Concrete must be ready all.

New concrete must be close to the concrete surface is too dirty and old. If coat on them, without having a concrete grinder to get some small areas of responsibility, but most of the land will suffer peeling.

Peeling is simply a layer of coating material, which has never really adhered to the surface and dries and hardens, it de-laminates clean away, leaving a bubbleAir under it. Polished concrete sealed, it seems that it was not exempt from this problem.

Preparing to open up the concrete surface and the cleaning of pollutants leaving them porous and clean, which can be deleted to achieve in a few different ways, depending on the condition of the needs of the cement.

By comparison, polished concrete, the color does not require sealants or up to fifteen steps of the preparationreach a final touch, but often concrete can be produced easily in a day or two steps before painting.

Driveways and sidewalks

If the concrete has been polished for years of weathering the upper removed, and only needs a good cleaning with a jet of water for preparation. As a test, you can stain hands, some small areas with hand washing powder, water and a brush, then rinse and let dry.Choose an area that is exposed to high traffic volume, an area that is protected and is another area to the side, which has never been worn. When the surface is completely dry a few drops of clean water over them to see how the concrete is porous, and how easily the water is absorbed, because this is the best indicator of how easily the paint is absorbed.

Suppose that absorb water to rinse all areas, you can clean the entire water surface and then paint only if it is drymake sure the first layer of diluted 10%.

Water jet cleaning is easy, fast and great way to prepare for concrete that worn because it removes dust, dirt, algae, and small pores of the surface. Residue rinsed again until we settle into the pores of the concrete is properly prepared, immediately coat seems dry.

There are two main concerns for the preparation of the concrete wear - still a protected area which closeSurface and the second is that the oil-impregnated cement a.

Oil stains

Oil finally enjoy up concrete over time supported by the sun on the concrete lower their resistance and the opening and closing when it heats and cools. The good news is that only the surface, remove them from just below the painting, the responsibility for good and if the surface is dry, it stops the oil back to where theThe oil is very wet through. If the oil is very wet, it must extract the maximum of a solvent and a towel to be found in any hardware.

To extract oil from concrete material is necessary to clean the surface with a cloth after application of turpentine or similar solvent to remove most of the surface. Then the surface covered with an absorbent product used in cats bed is to absorb the waste and more Turpentine apply it to wet. Cover with plastic wrap andleave it overnight. The oils will be diluted and the solvent is evaporated from the absorbent to capture. very bad areas, two treatments.

oil stains, including those treated with the solvent can often be removed with simple detergent and water, but the oldest part of the earth, which may be impossible to contain completely removed. Wet the surface and coat with the liquid, clean with a broom to make a wet paste and leave for 30 minutes, whenWetting is very possible during this period it seems to dry. If the stain should be rinsed or gone largely disappeared, but will return within 12 hours because the oil is hot again returns to the surface. If this happens to be cleaned, dried and repainted as soon as possible so that the paint is dry before the stain. With a gap of water, arid quickly and without the rest of the wet concrete.

Three ways to openConcrete Surface

After completing the test areas in different parts of the concrete, or if you find that there are still areas where the enamel on concrete, where the test does not absorb water surface acid etching is to be opened with radiation, a Honed concrete. These three processes are the removal of cement on Polish territory and open the porous concrete below. This wasTheir color is a strong responsibility until they finally wore through.


Caution is advised when using the acid will etch the concrete because of potential health problems and damage to plants can do under, clothing or equipment in the area. This article describes the basic process, but you need to follow the safety instructions from the seller of the product or as indicated on the label.

Hydrochloric acid, which is sold mainly for brickClean attack the lime in the concrete one and solves the binding. If there is a plan used on concrete, sidewalk or driveway, it is usually neutralized quickly neutralized or contact, or if the hissing has stopped, so that it acts only on the surface. In general, a mixture of 10 parts water to one part acid strong enough to remove polish from the surface. If you are wearing appropriate protective clothing, gloves and goggles and be careful not to splash the best way the application of acid-treated paint roller is long with a deep pile of an encounter. Apply generously to prevent and slow down enough to make a spray.

After applying the acid mixture of water and water before drying thoroughly clean the concrete blast near the concrete with 3,000 psi, rinsing is not sufficient to remove particles, the surface and a rotating beam (like a lawnmower) is the best way. If the concrete is dry, apply the first layerTimes>.

Blasting Machine

That's better, the experts know how to use the power of the machine, left, how big and how fast each round fired, the blast area. These machines run on small steel balls of cement in a locked room by the blow through a wheel turns fast. The shot hits the surface, it breaks open, and then recyled standing at the back, while a separate vacuum system removes dust and sand. StrokeThe surface radiation can open more than expected and allow deeper furrows, where the rays intersect, so it is ideal for home directory.

Concrete grinders

These devices come in all shapes and sizes, power and wheel configurations, from small hand grinder with a diamond wheel and suction shroud for large machines by hand, including the different roles. For income, that only the edges on the surface of an openangle grinder configured as a concrete ideal. It will be dry and grind the dust collector will remove all the dust, to work. For larger areas more than sit on the edges or a grinder to get up with an angle grinder as the source engine is faster and easier. There is a dust extraction shroud, also gets in the corners and edges, have the most features, to grind against the walls.

They work with a spinning wheel in contact with the concrete that hasDiamond segments welded to the wheel. Given that these diamonds come into contact with the actual path they take and grind the surface. Dust shroud contains all the dust and the dust collector without removing suspended particles.

Painting floors

Once the surface is clean and open for use the first layer is diluted with 10% of the area to enjoy as deeply as possible. If your look is good preparation is dull and lifeless whendried. A second coating, the use of another once the first coat dry completely, which will give you a sleek, flat surface. Apply third layer, if a greater thickness is required to wear better.


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