New technology creates a solution for cleaning rust stains from concrete

rust stains cleaning concrete is certainly not a problem that people are enthusiastic. However, it is a global problem, one of the first materials used on Earth. For those uncomfortable with concrete, which can also be slippery from algae and mold construction of a safe cleaning solution is providing relief.

Have you ever tried to clean the rust stains, you know the challenge. You may have even tried many funds with varying success. Gel TechnologyFinally, he offered a solution that works. With mixing hydrochloric acid with a gel, a new product is created, which cleans and engraving concrete effect.


Before acid gel provide control - gels are rolled onto a surface and remain exactly where they are applied. The liquid acids. Liquids were mixed. Gels also provide consistent, predictable results.

According acids are not diluted the gel - liquid acids are dangerous and should be diluted with water. The addition of two partsThe acidic water diluted 32% to 10%. A gel with 20% acid is an acid 20%, not watered down as not to interfere. Gels are consistent.

Third gels are carriers of rust, mildew, algae - When a liquid is applied concrete acid, clean the concrete. But the rust and rot quickly returned to the cement and does not clean the surface completely. Gel work as porters. If the gel pad cleans concrete rust and mildew. Clean the gelPull the small piles of a blade and have a dust pan or shovel.

Fourth gels are safe - can easily gel in a drawer and poured paint over a laminate surface. Some gels are free to blended VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). Can not see how burning a liquid and can be environmentally safe.

Fifth gel work on the interface - the acid in a gel only works at the interface between the concrete and the liquid into a concrete cap as the only pinpricks.This is particularly important when you intend to apply a coating or sealing. acid liquid particles get stuck in cement in small pinpricks and are reinstated floor paints, epoxy resins and sealants caused the failure. As a result of acid etching gel is an ideal solution if effective and practical planning for the rehabilitation of concrete and apply a sealer or coating.

Clean sixth vertical applications - Liquid Acid can not defy gravity, but a gelled acid can. Soif you have a concrete wall or column that you can roll surface of the gel directly. It may be a bit 'if too much fat, but apply only through the application of thin remain where it is applied. To clean rust stains from cement on a vertical surface, can not be beat. Simply wash with water, dry it and seal, and stays clean for years.

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