A Good Concrete Flooring Treatment

Are you located in an areas where the climate is usually wet? Then you have an idea of how your garage floor can become very slick when you bring in some water on your car because of rain or snow and it drips onto a small oil stain on the flooring. The situation is like trying to remain standing on a surface of ice. You may not know this, but the garage is actually one of the most common areas of the house where slips and falls usually happen. Since the floor is made of concrete usually, it can result in serious brain injuries if you hit your head on the hard concrete surface.

The best way to deal with this problem is to apply an epoxy garage floor treatment. This two-part polymer can offer you safety for years to come.

When you apply a garage floor treatment together with its non-slip additive, you are actually using the best technique to have a safer garage. You can roll out a traditional floor paint or the new floor treatments that are enamel based, but make sure that you also apply an anti-slip material such as industrial sand. Never use sea sand since it contains salt and can actually increase the rate of degradation of the surface. If you don't like sand, you can also use paint chips and these are great because they also add color to the flooring. Actually, color chips are a great cover up of any dirt and grime present on the surface since it makes the dirt less visible.

If you have chosen to try out this treatment which I highly recommend, you should keep in mind that this type of floor coating is only useful for small oil slicks. Do not expect to not have a problem if you spill an entire quart of oil on the floor. There is nothing that will help this situation other than to mop up the spill.

Once you have the epoxy coating applied you still need to maintain the cleanliness of the floor and this can be done best by using soap and water or a good degreaser from time to time if automotive fluids are building up. Also, having the non-slip function should not give you the false belief that you are 100% secure because, even if they work great, no coating can create miracles.

The application of an epoxy coating for your concrete flooring can give you a floor that is much easier to walk when it is wet. This is very important as we become older and begin to realize that we have balancing problems. This is a great do-it-yourself project or you can also ask for a quote from a couple of contractors.

Whether you apply the treatment to your concrete flooring yourself or you have it done professionally, you will end up with a project that offers more safety and looks great.

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