Five steps to Acid Stain Concrete

Acid stain concrete coating is a popular hosts is most preferred. It is also recommended that we have a seller for us, but it is not uncommon for owners to do it yourself on your own. Even if you can learn, it is not easy to do and will probably have a couple of attempts until you can finally completion. Although the color of the concrete floor is a difficult process, we can simplify things by the five discussionSteps.

1. Prepare your material

Like all jobs that require time on your part, you must prepare all the necessary material. Eliminate the possibility of panic and ruin the job just because you forgot to buy baking powder and final cleaning. Do not forget to prepare some protection for themselves, as if to wear gloves and goggles, rubber. Other materials needed would be acid stained the brush, sealant, concrete cleaner, brushes,Roller, sprayer and other tools that you think may be helpful.

2. Environmental cleanup

If you collected all the materials, the next safe thing to do would be to play the beginning of the preparation and cleaning of the surface. Acid stain is semi-transparent, so as to ensure that the entire area is clean and free from dirt and dust particles to have. You must thoroughly clean the area. The use of hydrochloric acid mixed in water, a mixture of acid strong enough to unwantedThe particles on the ground.

3. Acid Stain Application

When applied to the concrete floor, you can use a roller, a sprayer, or whatever was more compatible. There are many opportunities to apply the acid stain. Remember to do this in accordance with §. Make sure that the strokes do not contradict each other and have bad points as a result. Remember this from a section of perhaps 10 x 10 m square in a different section of the same size,Until finally finished applying the stain on the floor.

4. Dishwashing liquid

After the concrete is ready to respond to acid stain, it's time to wash. Neutralize the soil with a mixture of baking soda and water. This is to neutralize the stain and also remove excess residue on the floor. To be sure you have washed the soil thoroughly, go over twice.

5. The application ofSealer

If the soil is completely dry, we can now apply the sealant around fifty to two layers. Use a paint roller. When the last layer is dry, then stand back and watch the results of your work!

It all seemed very easy to cheat in this way but you can not read themselves. There is a reason why you should have a professional do it for you. The application can be dangerous, and the result can be bad, if not done correctly. This isnot to say that it is impossible for a normal house, anyway. It is always possible to practice again and again until you get it right ground for the application of concrete acid stain on our own.

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