Cupolex Aerated Floor - Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Solution.mpg

Cupolex is more effective and more reliable than traditional radon systems. Traditional vapor intrusion mitigation systems, or "radon" systems, have been around for about two decades and haven't changed much in that time. Electric fans need to run continuously to pull enough air through soil below a slab to maintain negative pressures. Because of the resistance of the soil below the slab to air flow, negative pressures decrease rapidly with distance and even modest vacuums are difficult to achieve across the entire slab. Aerated floors are the modern system that use open space rather than soil to vent the slab, resulting in highly efficient transmission of vacuum and air flow. As a result, regulators can be sure that high vacuums are present everywhere below the building and that concentrations below the slab will be far lower than with traditional systems. Cupolex provides a sustainable solution something we all want to support. Cupolex is a "green" building product and can lower future electrical costs, eliminate the need for fans, and contribute to LEED points on sustainable building projects. Something all environmental agencies should support. Cupolex is made of 100% recycled materials, doesn't need an aggregate base coarse layer for support, and uses less concrete and steel than traditional slabs. This means greater protection with less energy, a sustainable solution that is in sync with the growing demand for green technologies. Cupolex is reliable and time-tested ...

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