How to Lay Lino Flooring

There are many good things to say about cheap lino flooring. But having bought the stuff, few things could be worse than a botched installation job. However, learning how to lay lino flooring is not rocket science and by doing things the right way, any householder should be able to get the floor in place and looking great without too much difficulty.

A key issue to deal with at the outset is the floor below. Obviously the room the lino will be installed in must be cleared of furniture and other obstructions, but the floor below may or may not have to go. Sometimes lino can be laid on top of it, but often an uneven or damaged surface simply has to be replaced and before the new lino is laid down, it should be checked that the sub-floor is in good shape too.

Critically, it is important that anything sticking up is removed. Whether this is dirt, lumpy bits of paint or nails, it has to go to ensure that the new floor will be a smooth and even surface.

Lino comes in tiles or rolls and for each type there is a slightly different method of installation. But in both cases, what needs to be established first is the area of the room and also where its centre lies. This can be done by measuring the length of each wall and marking a point halfway. Two lines drawn across the floor that link each mark will cross in the centre of the room and therefore identify the spot.

Those laying down tiles can work outwards from here, laying them down one-by one and sticking them as they go.

For a roll, things are slightly trickier as it is a larger, single piece of material. It is a smart move to cut the material to something slightly larger than the area of the floor, to create a little extra leeway. This can always be trimmed from the edges after it is laid down. The roll should be laid down gradually, with each area stuck down bit by bit as you progress across the floor. Once down, a roller should be used to iron out any lumps and bubbles.

By following these simple tips, the result should be a lovely lino floor that gives many years of good service.

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