Linoleum Kitchen Flooring is an Inexpensive Option That is Making a Comeback

Kitchen linoleum flooring is one of the oldest flooring around and it has proven that they stand the test of time. Gone are the days where linoleum was only in white, black, gray and now there are over 200 different colors, designs and patterns to choose from, some will even allow you to design your own.

From a combination of linseed oil, wood flour, limestone, and pigments of color together with jute fiber Linoleum is bound, asenvironmentally friendly and it also has a natural resistance to bacteria through the materials it is made with. On the downside due to the natural ingredients it has a tendency to change, color, make sure you at this if you remember to plan your kitchen flooring choices.

Linoleum is good for kitchens because of its durability, strength, suitable resistance to fire and water are, and simple cleaning and maintenance. All these advantages are often overlooked because theirHistory as a tedious option but the house is no longer the case, you are now able to get almost everything you are looking for with linoleum flooring, it is something that could be wished to look into.


Environmentally -

-Easy maintenance

-Durability and resistance to fire, water and bacteria


-Not really a con but its history is a big disadvantage anymore, because people's views of it due to the way it was than the way it compares withactually is at this day

If the cost of linoleum flooring to the kitchen, you will run somewhere between 4-8.50 per square meter during installation will be charged if you do not tackle it as a try-it-yourself project. The installation is not as easy as laminate or parquet floor, but it is not impossible for an ordinary homeowner with some DIY experience. If the only reason why it is not thought about linoleum in the kitchen, because what you heard them in the past youwant to take a second look, because it really is a lot to offer benefits and do not break the bank.

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