Paint Like a Pro - Basic Tips for Professional Results

One of the best home improvement projects for updating the look of your home is a fresh
Coating. Can reach you, the look of a professionally painted room with these simple, basic

Let's start with the tools you need. I suggest that you buy and supply good quality tools,
(Brushes, rollers, paint, etc.). It is not necessary to buy the highest price for tools and supplies, but
good tools and colors you can achieve withprofessional appearance. And if you
Care of their instruments by washing and drying them after each use, you will be able to use them for

A list of supplies and tools you will need includes:


Primer (optional - see below)

Brush (1 propose wide - 3 inches and 1 small - 1 inch "cut in" and trim)

Paint Roller

Roller Covers

Extension Pole (for ceilings and high walls)

Paint Tray(Metal is best)

Caulk (repairs to seams, fill in blanks)

Caulk Gun

Painters Putty (to repair holes, scratches)

Filler (2 inches, 4 inches or 6 inches, depending on the size of the holes)

Sander () on smooth walls after patching with putty


Plastic or drop cloths to cover furniture and flooring

When shopping for a paint roller and a telescopic rod, look for comfortable grip and a roller
and a telescopic rod that is not too heavy. This willYou can roll the paint on the wall with
to smooth strokes without fighting. They are rolling the paint with a "push-press' movement
is with a heavy roller or telescopic pole difficult. If you are not comfortable with the selection
Your tools, ask an experienced sales staff suggestions for you. Describe your project
and your sales staff can recommend brands for you to choose from.

When buying paint, a good way to become a rich,professional appearance is a color, choose supplements
Painting aspect of the room. As a suggestion, select a color from a piece of furniture and
Choose color in the shade for the walls. You may want to choose a slightly lighter shade than the color
They are suitable. This creates a soothing background music view, decorators and home improvement stores
Consultants often before. Even buying paint for your trim if you are using a different color
the trimthan on the walls. Again, I recommend the purchase of high quality paint. Better colors with a roll-on
beautiful finish, no streaks, and you will not have as many layers for the full application

Depending on the paint you want, select:

High or satin (shiny - perfect for baths and washing walls you want to be) able

Eggshell (my favorite - a very slight shine to dry with the beautifulTexture of an eggshell)

Satin (a slight gloss finish between semi-gloss and flat)

Flat - no shine or gloss.

A note on primer: If you are painting walls with a lighter color than it is currently on the walls
need caps. Primer serves two purposes, it neutralizes and covers the darker color that you
Paintings are over, and it serves as an adhesive for the paint, so that they are applieduniformly for
a smooth surface.

Step 1: To paint ready to prepare your walls by patching holes, scratches, small wall
Separations with putty or caulk gun. Allow to dry caulk or putty. Gently sand for a smooth

Step 2: Remove light switch covers, and apply tape to the wall mirror, (for example:
Bathroom wall mirror).

Step 3: Cover furniture with plastic or drop cloths. ThanAlternative for the entire floor
With drop cloths, you can drop the towels on the floor spread for the protection, where you paint,
and move them around as you paint the room.

Step 4: Now you are ready to paint. Your best to "cut in" the walls first with your brush to apply
Color from the upper edge of the wall near the ceiling with horizontal brush strokes to
about 6 inches from the ceiling. You are the creation of an area that you roll with your
Roller. I like it "to" 2 cut sides at a time, then fill by rolling on paint. Start rolling on the floor
the cut in the field with even up and down strokes, and the mixture into the cut in the area for a seamless
Look. Watch for drips and delete them with a damp cloth or work with paint drips into
Their role immediately. Rolling walls with uniform pressure. The correct motion is push-press,
smooth, even,> Paint. Again, check for drips, and they were either working or you delete them
with a damp cloth.

Delete Step 5: After the walls, cut for injection molding and paint on the brush. Apply a light, even
Coat with horizontal strokes.

Now you are ready. You can admire your freshly painted room that looks good, with the
Emergence of a professional paint!

Used machinery Color printing Hair Straightener

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