Clear Gloss Concrete Sealer

Clear Gloss Concrete Sealer is an acrylic resin with built-in water repellency. Gloss concrete sealers are generally comprised of low emissions of volatile organic compounds, which are non-flammable stain is not so. They provide excellent adhesion and durability and resistance to efflorescence, moisture repellent, scratches and stains.

Clear Gloss Concrete Sealer is used primarily for a mirror with wet concrete surfaces together. It also helps to protect the concrete from gas to chemicals such as brake fluid, transmission fluid, motor oil, salt water, and bleach. Gloss concrete sealers are more effective for the treatment of concrete patios driveways, concrete aggregate, garages and basements, porches, stairs and sidewalks. It 'also of acid rocks, bricks and glazed tiles used first.

Gloss concrete sealers are usually applied directly to bare> Concrete surfaces. Sometimes these are used as a finish to provide excellent protection. Before you apply the clear gloss seals, it is necessary for the surface, removing dirt and oil contains prepare. Some concrete surfaces must be acid-etching. In the case of previously painted surfaces, concrete, plaster and peeling paint must all be removed. For concrete surfaces coated with high gloss urethane terms such as epoxy resin and the surface may be required Abrasion to remove the gloss. A scrubber or steel wool to serve you better.

It 'also essential to ensure the compatibility test the product before use of clear gloss concrete sealers. For best results you need a minimum of two to three coats. To apply the gloss to porous concrete Concrete Sealer, airless spray equipment is the most recommended. A stationary pull-along applicator or a brush can be used to apply gloss> Concrete Sealer on smooth surfaces.

Currently, a fine selection of technology projects for the future made clear gloss concrete sealer is available. Concrete Sealer with non-toxic, according to penetrate biological systems are suitable for quality "green" buildings and structures with complaints of air.


1 Comentario:

Ricky Addy said...

KEMOULD CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES - Service provider of waterproofing services, EPDM membrane waterproofing, KCT-11 rubberized coating, anti-fungal sealer treatments, bituminous waterproofing.

Waterproofing services provider