Chemtrails in the News Sac. California 5-5-10 MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA- Debate continues to rage over contrails left by jet aircrafts. Some say they are the scenic spreading of water and ice crystals, but others claim they are an ominous sign of a secret project to alter the atmosphere. Rosalind Peterson, founder of the California SkyWatch web site, remembers a childhood almost free of white lines across the sky. "We had these beautiful, deep blue skies," Peterson recalls while leafing through hundreds of photographs of jet contrails above Mendocino County. Peterson believes a dramatic change began in the late 1980s. "Some program...something happened where the big jets began to start to leave these huge plumes that expanded over time," Peterson said. Peterson has addressed a United Nations conference on the subject of jet contrails. She is not alone in believing the change is a deliberate effort to modify the earth's atmosphere as part of a military or government plan to alter the weather or further some kind of classified project. "They produce these man-made clouds that exacerbate global warming, change the climate and negatively impact natural resources," said Peterson. But she also says she is the first to admit that concrete evidence about the trails or their purpose is hard to uncover. The lack of evidence comes as no surprise Dr. Ian Faloona, who is a UC Davis professor of atmospheric sciences. The claims on hundreds of internet web sites of a national or global conspiracy to change the atmosphere ...
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