Otto von Habsburg vs Yugoslavia

First of all, Id like to thank a fellow Y-tuber, Slovenian guy Aljosa who was so kind to make a transcript of this TV report which made the translation far easier. For all those who at some point wondered about who killed Yugoslavia... The video is just a hint of the full and true background story on how European aristos and fat cats covertly worked on undermining and toppling European communist regimes and even dismembering countries in order to push forward their project of united Europe and more importantly, the idea of laissez faire, the state of economic anarchy which shifts the power from governments into the hands of tycoons. The links at the bottom as well as the video at hand are specifically related to the case of Yugoslavia. I recommend doing your own research on the Pinay Cercle/Le Cercle, Mont Pelerin Society, Paneuropean Union and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. This is an excerpt from the history page of the official Paneuropa website At the same time, under the leadership of Bernd Posselt and Walburga von Habsburg, the Pan-Europa Union strengthened its work as a special representative of the international office beyond the Iron Curtain and established contacts with civil rights organizations in Poland such as the trade union "Solidarnosc", "Charter 77" and church institutions as well as in Hungary, in former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia as well as in the Baltic states. The pan-European underground work received a boost through the ...

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